Friday, August 20, 2010

Abby, Abby, Abby

From the time I moved out of my parent's house, I knew that I wanted a dog. I knew that I wanted something cute that would love me unconditionally and always be happy to see me. So I convinced Paul that we needed to get a dog. To be honest, it didn't take much prodding because Paul loves animals. We knew that we wanted to get a rescue dog because we figured that we could help out a dog that really needed a good home.

I remember when we first saw Abby. She was in a room laying on the floor and her little doggy roommate was chewing on her ear. She just stared at us, unflinching and with an expression that clearly said "unless you're going to ask to see me, keep it moving." I liked her instantly and I told Paul that I wanted to see her in a private visiting room. Paul huffed and told me that if we saw this dog and didn't get it, he was going to be upset because she was the 4th dog that day that I'd asked to see. I promised him that I thought she was it and we went into the little room to wait for them to bring her in.

When she walked in, she went right up to Paul and stuck her face right into his. She knew somehow that he was the one she needed to convince. I'm pretty sure that was the moment we knew she was the one.

I didn't realize until after we got her that having a dog, is a lot like having a child. She needs attention, has a routine we follow everyday and any new thing she does fascinates us.

She has a huge personality and makes all sorts of facial expressions. She even plays hide and seek with us. She always finds us of course because of that nose of hers. She's just a great dog and I've yet to find one person that hasn't fallen in love with her at least a little bit. When Paul goes out of town, I'm thankful to have her with me because she makes me feel safe. And I don't know much about how dogs sense things but I tend to think that Abby can tell when I need her around me. There's nothing quite like having a hard day at work or having a sad moment, only to have her put her head in my lap and look up at me with those big brown eyes of hers. It's priceless and I'm just thankful that we found her.

So here are some pictures of our baby:

This was taken December 2009 when I took pictures with Abby as a Xmas present to Paul.

December 2009

Abby and her Daddy. It's really ridiculous how spoiled she is.

I think having Abby has been good for us. It makes it easy to focus our attention on something else and not entirely on our relationship. Little distractions are always good. Especially when they're as cute as Abby is.

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